Ellanse – collagen stimulator

Ellanse presents a new generation of dermal fillers  – collagen stimulator, enabling immediate correction followed by volumenisation through biosimulation. It is special due to its double impact – instant filler effect and elongated effect due to new collagen stimulating process - neocollagenasis. It can be used for rejuvenation or correction of wrinkled and sagging skin, as well as face and hands volume.


There is no special preparation needed except disinfection and topical anesthesia for the treated area – cream anesthesia. It is important to inform the doctor in case you suffer from any illness or use a medical therapy.


The filler is injected in desired face areas with a thin needle and the procedure is entirely painless.

Recovery and results

The patient can return to normal daily activities immediately after the procedure and there is no special recovery treatment except to avoid hard physical activities in the next 24h, sauna and solarium during the following few days. Results are noted immediately in terms of volume enhancement, wrinkle and sagging reduction, and will increase the following weeks as the collagen production is stimulated. The effects last up to 4 years depending on the treated area.

Possible complications

Possible temporary swelling and bruises that may last few days after the intervention. Serious complications are extremely rare when the procedure is done by an experienced physician.

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Dr Vladimir Stojiljkovic

Mr sc. med. Vladimir B. Stojiljkovic is a pioneer in regenerative surgery in our country – with scientifically based approach he gained a lot of experience in fat transfer, stem cells and growth factors extracted from thrombocyte enriched plasma. Hi was first in our country to do a natural breast enhancement, using patients own fat tissue and BRAVA method for enlargement.

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