RegenLab & BS Medical

Vladimir B. Stojiljkovic, MD is the national promoter and educator in the field of adipose-derived cell regeneration, or regeneration with patient's (OWN) cells.

During his three years long experience more than 100 physicians gained theoretical and practical experience in platelets riched plasma (PRP) and other RegenLab applications.

All participants are introduced with therapy of the future – tissue engineering, in terms of active thrombyne serum application, cell membrane, and combining PRP-a with hyaluronic acid and patients own fat, the so called fat grifting.

Two years ago, MD Stojiljković has been honored and elected as educator for one of the newest rejuvenating methods - PDO threads (3D threads or mesothreads).

Special accent is given to the combined treatment with threads and thrombocyte enriched plazma  (PRP) – plasmalifting.

Workshops are held in „Xenija“  education centre, Krunska street 7/1. Additional informations can be obtained with agents of the MSF Pharm.

All participants will receive certificates of completed course.



Hyaluronic fillers 1 Hyaluronic fillers